Friday, May 22

Confessions of a Graduate Assistant: Part 1

First day of Choir Tour 09. It feels kind of surreal. I've been looking forward to it all year long with this idea that it probably wouldn't actually work out for me to go -- but here I am. I love this choir...

Currently I am sitting in the theatre room of our host home. You read it right -- theatre room. Sitting next to me is Emily McDougal and across the room is Lauren Moulton both of which just returned from a lovely night swim in their private pool. We're enjoying some excellent junk food and watching Bolt. Oh yeah - we won the host home lottery. Way to start the trip out with a bang. Oh .. and we're an hour closer to our destination than anyone else -- they're picking us up on the way which also means we get to sleep in.:) Be jealous.

Few little tid bits about tour so far:
-We have the same bus driver from last year. John. He's the man.
-Our first concert royaly bombed. Really... bad.
-I miss all my old choir buddies and kind feel super old on this tour.
-It's rainy and dreary
-Louisiana has mosqitoes
-Coconut water actually isn't that bad
-Apparently crickets taste likepeanut butter when roasted
-Glenn Beck and Fox News are widely respected among almost all the people I have come in contact with
-If you give a choir kid a massage, he'll want another and so will all his friends
-Letters are really hard to write on buses

Also - I'm incredibley sleepy so I'm going to stop blogging now and get some rest since it is next to impossible for me to fall asleep on the bus

G'night all