Wednesday, December 17

Today is the Day

Today is the day to drive with the windows open.

Today the wind I’m creating with my accelerator is just right for listening to the kind of music that swells up in your chest and makes you feel like you’re flying.
Today the sky is just the perfect hue of grayish-blue, the one that lets in the right amount of light so that my eyes can see all the subtle beauties I’d pass by any other day.
Today the air smells like a river, fresh and alive, just waiting for me to jump in with wild abandon.

Today I’m letting go and letting my hair flow about all disheveled and free.
Today I’m living with my eyes wide open, not letting anything by unnoticed.
Today I’m filling my lungs with the stuff that dreams and ambitions are made of.

Today is the day to do more than just go somewhere. Today is the day to take a journey.
Today is the day to do more than just glance. Today is the day to see wonders.
Today is the day to do more than just inhale. Today is the day to breathe deep and easy.

Today is the day to do more than just drive.

Today is the day to drive with the windows open.