Tuesday, March 30

Redheads and Their Lists

Today was a very good day. I don't have one reason as it why. I have 25, and as my very observant and handsome fiance pointed out to me today, I'm a redhead... And redheads make lists. So here are my 25 reasons why today was so grand. (In no particular order of course, redheads don't do that kind of list -- we have a hard time ranking favorites, just ask Kaylor.)

  1. My semi quiet time today was more refreshing than usual
  2. The sun was shining in all it's splendor
  3. The temperature was lovely
  4. There was really good music on standard FM radio
  5. My car smells like a cupcake because of the Yankee Candle freshener Joe gave me like a month ago
  6. My hair wasn't difficult to deal with
  7. Neither was my skin
  8. I thought I had to work at 11, but didn't have to till 2 -- so I got to enjoy my day.
  9. When I did get to work, a dashing young man smiled at me
  10. That young man is my fiance, which means I get to marry him. =^D
  11. Joseph was in good spirits this afternoon, all aflutter about goals and possibilities
  12. I found out the puppy at the humane society that we worried about is getting adopted by a family with a four year old
  13. My socks match
  14. I tripped at work, and didn't die
  15. Jeffie saved me the three best strawberries from today's batch. She takes good care of me.
  16. I found out that Train has a new album
  17. I had an awesome song stuck in my head all day long, and it wasn't annoying -- That song played on my drive home
  18. I clocked out a minute earlier than expected, because I finished quicker than I thought I would
  19. Blake was at work tonight, which is always a reason to have a good day. We high-fived and it was epic
  20. I got to work with Emily Capra again. Today was her third day and she's awesome at her job
  21. I also got to work with Amy Miller who I never get to work with. I look forward to working with her on Saturday as well.
  22. I get off at 6 on Saturday so I get to go to KAYLOR'S BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!!! WOOOO!!!
  23. A 4 year old little girl named Olivia said "I know you! You're Annabelle!" when I was wiping tables. She also remembered that we share an interest in The Little Mermaid and Good Luck Bear
  24. I witnessed an awkward situation that gave me another reason to laugh at the Hoover PD
  25. I went to WalMart with Joseph when I got off work, and we made a list. Lists are nice.